Youth Ranks & Leadership

The Sea Scout program helps scouts develop organizational and leadership skills through rank advancement and leadership positions.  Whether or not you choose to pursue advancement, you are welcome to sail with the ship.

Sea Scout Ranks

Apprentice, Ordinary, and Able Patches

The first rank of Apprentice shows basic marlinspike seamanship skills, safety and basic scouting ideals.

To earn Ordinary, the Sea Scout must know the Ideals of Sea Scouting, be an active member for six months, learn specials skills relating to boats, marlinspike seamanship, piloting, communicating, swimming, safety, and cooking. In addition, three of seven electives need to be completed such as, close order drill, signaling in semaphore, boxing a compass, yacht racing, sailing, ornamental rope work, and engine maintenance. 

For the Able rank, the Sea Scout must be able to explain and demonstrate a complete knowledge seamanship skills, earn the Lifesaving merit badge, complete a long cruise, and must and be a deck officer in his or her ship.


Quartermaster is the highest rank attainable by a Sea Scout and is equivalent to Eagle Scout (Boy Scouts of America). The Sea Scout must attend at least three quarters of all Ship meetings and special activities over eighteen months, demonstrate marlinspike seamanship and leadership skills, demonstrate the ability to teach Sea Scouting skills, complete a Quartermaster Leadership Service Project (community service project) and pass a council level board of review.

 The Quartermaster emblem is a medal consisting of the Sea Scout emblem on a ship's wheel that is suspended from a solid dark blue ribbon that is in turn suspended from a bar bearing the design of a double carrick bend knot. In 2020 only 35 Sea Scouts attained the rank of Quartermaster, compared with over 61,000 Eagle Scouts.

Quartermaster Patch

The Quarterdeck

The Quarterdeck is the youth-elected, Leadership Committee within the Ship. It consists of the Boatswain, the Boatswain's Mate for Admin, the Boatswains Mate for Program, Yeoman, Purser, and Storekeeper. They are elected each year and serve to run the Ship, plan events, organize meetings, and much more.